I made pinwheel cookies yesterday, and then I used this calorie counter http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/recipe_analysis.php to let me know the calories in each cookie. (SO USEFUL!) Shocker as there were like 83 calories per cookie which means I basically put on all the calories I burned jogging yesterday! Hmmph. Limiting intake to 2 cookies today.(because I already ate 2 in the morning!) No more tomorrow though! So not worth it. Feels as if all that exercise went to nothing!
I've been doing this power sculpt workout dvd from the biggest loser series. It's supposed to complement the cardio you're doing on your own. Super tiring. Not to discourage any of you readers though. It just takes some getting used to.
Level 1 - Jillian
Level 2 - Kim
Level 3 - Bob
I'm currently at the level 2 stage whereby a workout would look like this. :
Warm Up - 5min
Level 1 - 20min
Level 2 - 10 min
Cool down - 5min
I try and do this about 4 to 5 times a week. Arms and legs are definitely more toned now but as I remember from when I used to be really fit, running helps me lose weight and tone up really fast. (Just don't stick to a snails pace of a jog by amping it up once you find your runs/jogs getting easier)