Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's been 6 months since I began my first year of my medical degree. Now in the 3rd quarter of the school year, my schedule is packed with lectures, labs, evaluations,clinic hours,P.E, studying,and trying to work out every other day!

I'm not going to lie, learning all this in Spanish isn't easy. A lot of the time it takes reading it about four or 5 times over to really understand what's going on. Usually I just read up difficult concepts in English beforehand to speed up the process. Fortunately there is a lot of additional medical literature and videos available in digital format that you can access from the schools database and from friends.

Some people back home think that since I'm here in Cuba, this Carribean hotspot, my life would be really interesting, full of parties, drinking, cigars and beach days...I wish...!

Granted the school atmosphere is a bit relaxed, if you want to do well, weekly partying and regular beach days do mess up your study schedule! Term breaks are pretty friggin awesome though =D

Anyways that's school.

On the social front, we held our annual  Asian Gala recently in school. It went pretty well albeit the really last minute rehearsals we held due to everyone's conflicting schedules! Say Opam Cuban Style? =D

My classmates this year are the best. I have a classmate from the USA who is THE most hilarious guy in our class! Love him to bits. The thing I love about chilling with him is that he has this really interesting world view and observations and we talk about the most random things. Put him together with my other really good friend from Sierra Leona and every conversation is just full of laughs!

During dinner at a recent 'girls night out' outing, a guy friend stops over and  he wants to know what we're up to, so after bowling over with laughter we tell him about the  topic of the day (guys) and he has one piece of advice. He says that guys are guys and if you want to have an actual long term relationship with a guy, (not just a one night stand, we(the girls) have to lay down the ground rules right from the beginning. Tell him what behavior you're willing to accept, and what you're not and then practice what you preach. Otherwise if he sees you're willing to put  up with his b.s he's not gonna stop. Basically a guy respects a wpman who  values herself enough to deserve the best.
 I guess to a certain degree this is true. God knows a lot of us girls put up with their nonsense coz we're afraid of losing him. Stuff like, not calling when they said they would, not opening the cab/restaurant door, and more... Ah well...that was a good night =D ( Aside from the fact that we might have come off as bitter haters =p) till the next time I have the inspiration to blog, Chaoito to whatever readers I have left <3

Oooh, for whoever is interested, I started the INSANITY workout and did it for a month but then I stoped coz my knees were getting injured from all the jumping. However, it did wonders for my cardio and now I can run a full 9km albeit not having run for the longest while=D  woohoo!