Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The 30-day no sugar challenge

I'm not overweight or anything...but knowing how healthy I used to be and knowing how GREAT that felt...I owe it to myself to get that back! 

Me TWO YEARS AGO: ( sorta) =D ( darker version of course!)
An estimate of what I look like NOW: (It's not me in the pic, but u get the picture)

So I’ve decided to take the One Month No Sugar Challenge (15th June 2011- 14th July 2011)
These are the ground rules:

1. No desserts of any kind.
2. No added sugar drinks 
3. No sweet condiments (not even ketchup)
4. No refined carbs (white bread, white rice etc)
5. No sugar substitutes either

Part two: Must lose 5kgs by the end of the challenge. That's a  sort of reasonable goal I reckon. It's about 1.25kgs of weight loss per week. 

OK if I win this challenge I get to buy...
I've seen them at al-ikhsan retailing at about RM80 - 100 and didn't feel I deserved it! ( or could do it justice!)

So that is my treat! and I don’t get it if I don’t stick to the plan!!

Other than that, since I live further from the field where I usually exercise now, I'm gonna be getting up in the morning to follow my dad to the Pandamaran padang for a walk/jog on weekdays since he passes there to send my mum to work. (That's the plan at least). I'll post updates on my progress. If I've been keeping to the rules and what not. 

I’d love for others to join me too.. those are the ground rules, feel free to take your own baby steps to your fitness goal, whatever it be. I’d love some feedback people!

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